Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Prayer for a Sick Brother

O Lord, holy Father, creator of the universe,
author of its laws, you can bring the dead back to life,
and heal those who are sick.

We pray for our sick brother
that he may feel your hand upon him,
renewing his body and refreshing his soul.
Show to him the affection in
which you hold all your creatures.

Prayer for Guidance

Let me not wander in vain.
Let me not labor in vain.
Let me not mingle with the prejudiced.
Let me not leave the company of the virtuous.
Let me not fly into anger.
Let me not stray off the path of goodness.
Let me not seek for this day or for the morrow.
Give me such a wealth, O Almighty!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Prayer for Pregnancy

Our Father, who art in Heaven with me,
Thy name be hallowed within my child.
Thy Kingdom come into my womb,
Thy Will be done in my child's growth,
As it is done in Thy angelic heaven.
Give my child its daily spiritual food,
Forgive today its Soul's past trespasses,
And lead its Soul to forgive those who
Trespassed against it on other planes.
And deliver it safely into our world.

Prayer for Soldiers Killed in the Iraq War

May all soldiers who fell in Iraq be blessed
and praised for giving the ultimate sacrifice.

May our Lord be holding all in his arms,
and bring peace and comfort to their families.