Saturday, April 29, 2006

Put Courage Into My Heart

Lord, put courage into my heart,
and take away all that may hinder me serving you.
Free my tongue to proclaim your goodness,
that all may understand me.

Give me friends to advise and help me,
that by working together our efforts may bear abundant fruit.
And, above all, let me constantly remember
that all my actions are in vain unless they are guided by your hand.

Prayer for Those in the Armed Services

O God of Mercy, we beg You now to protect in a special way those who are fighting for us and for the country we love. Bless them and take care of them. If they are tired, give them strength. If they are wounded and suffering, give them comfort. If they are lonely, touch them with Your gentle hand and let them know that You are near them. Grant them strength, wisdom and help through Your power and Your limitless love. Amen

Blessing Over Food

Lord most giving and resourceful,
I implore you;
make it your will
that these people enjoy
the goods and riches you naturally give,
that naturally issue from you,
that are pleasing and savory,
that delight and comfort,
though lasting but briefly,
passing away as if in a dream.