Friday, March 24, 2006

Fix Me Jesus

Oh yes, fix me, Jesus, fix me.
Fix me so that I can walk on
a little while longer.
Fix me so that I can pray on
just a little bit harder.
Fix me so that I can sing on
just a little bit louder.
Fix me so that I can go on despite the pain,
the fear, the doubt, and yes, the anger,
I ask not that you take this cross from me,
only that you give me the strength to continue
carrying it onward 'til my dying day.
Oh, fix me, Jesus, fix me.

Lord, Settle My Soul

O Lord, this is all my desire -- to walk along the path
of life that Thou hast appointed me, even as Jesus
my Lord would walk along it, in steadfastness of
faith, in meekness of spirit, in lowliness of heart,
in gentleness of love.

And because outward events
have so much power in scattering my thoughts and
disturbing the inward peace in which alone the voice
of Thy spirit is heard, do Thou, gracious Lord,
calm and settle my soul by that subduing power which
alone can bring all thoughts and desires of the
heart into captivity to Thyself.

All I have is Thine;
do Thou with all as seems best to Thy divine will;
for I know not what is best. Let not the cares or duties
of this life press on me too heavily; but lighten my burden,
that I may follow Thy way in quietness, filled with thankfulness
for Thy mercy, and rendering acceptable service unto Thee.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Prayer When Making the Bed

This bed I make
In the name of the Father, and of the Son,
And of the Holy Spirit;

In the name of the night we were conceived
In the name of the day we were baptized;

In the name of every night, every day, every season,
And of every angel that is in Heaven.

Prayer of Confession

All the evil karma ever committed by me since of old,
On account of greed, anger, and folly, which have no beginning,
Born of my body, mouth, and thought--
I now make full open confession of it.

Teach Me to Pray

My Lord, I know not what I ought to ask of Thee.
Thou and Thou alone knowest my needs.
Thou lovest me more than I am able to love Thee.

O Father, grant unto me, Thy servant, all which I cannot ask.
For a cross I dare not ask, nor for consolation;
I dare only to stand in Thy presence.
My heart is open to Thee.

Thou seest my needs of which I myself am unaware.
Behold and lift me up!
In Thy presence I stand,
awed and silenced by Thy will and Thy judgments,
into which my mind cannot penetrate.

To Thee I offer myself as a sacrifice.
No other desire is mine but to fulfill Thy will.
Teach me how to pray.
Do Thyself pray within me.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Prayer to Overcome Sin

O everlasting God,
let the light of Thine eternity
now fall upon my passing days.

O holy God,
let the light of thy perfect righteousness
fall upon my sinful ways.

O most merciful God,
let the light of Thy love pierce
to the most secret corners of my heart
and overcome the darkness of sin within me.