Sunday, December 11, 2005

For Those Who Are Afraid

The unknown is terrifying,
responsibility is overwhelming,
the untapped anger cannot be borne.
Hear our cry,
O God of love,
for all so trapped in fear.
Open our hearts to trust your presence
to guide usin the unknown places;
teach us to know
you will support us in allthat we undertake;
free us to share with youthe rage within,
knowingyou will never desert us.

by: Vienna Cobb Anderson

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Prayer for Healing

Mother, sing me a song
That will ease my pain,
Mend broken bones,
Bring wholeness again.
Catch my babies
When they are born,
Sing my death song,
Teach me how to mourn.
Show me the Medicine Of the healing herbs,
The value of spirit,
The way I can serve.
Mother, heal my heart
So that I can see
The gifts of yours
That can live through me.

Native American
Holistic Living

Prayer for a Child's Birthday

With thanksgiving and love that you have been
given to be a part of our heart and of our family,
we celebrate this day of your birth,
beautiful child, delightful spirit.
May you have a year full of joy
and may your prodigious talents, like arrows,
find their true mark through a long life in this world.

- Daphne Rose Kingma

Give Us Courage

Almighty God,
whose beloved Son willingly endured
the agony and shame of the cross for our redemption:
Give us courage to take up our cross and follow him;
who lives and reigns for ever and ever.

source: The Book of Common Prayer 1979

For All God's Creatures

O God, we thank thee,
for all the creatures thou hast made,
so perfect in their kind --
great animals like the elephant and the rhinoceros,
humorous animals like the camel and the monkey,
friendly ones like the dog and the cat,
working ones like the horse and the ox,
timid ones like the squirrel and the rabbit,
majestic ones like the lion and the tiger,
for birds with their songs
.O God, give us such love for thy creation,
that love may cast out fear,and all thy creatures --
and thy creation,see in men and women like us
their priest and their friend.

- George Appleton

Prayer for a Sick Child

Lord Jesus Christ, Good Shepherd of the sheep,
you gather the lambs in your arms and carry them in your bosom:
We commend to your loving care this child ______.
Relieve his/her pain, guard him/her from all danger,
restore to him/her your gifts of gladness and strength,
and raise him/her up to a life of service to you.
Hear us, we pray, for you dear Name's sake.

source: Book of Common Prayer 1979

Prayer to the Voice in the Winds

O Great Spirit, whose Voice I hear in the Winds,
Hear me -- for I am small and weak:
I need Your Strength and Wisdom.
I seek Strength, O Great One, not to be superior to my Brothers --
But to conquer my greatest enemy: Myself.
I seek Wisdom: the Lessons You have hidden
In every Leaf and Rock so that I may learn
And carry these messages of Life and Hope to my People.
May my hands respect the many beautiful things You have made;
May my ears be sharp - to hear Your voice.
May I always walk in Your beauty;
And let my eyes behold the red and purple Sunset
So that when Life fades with the setting Sun,
My Spirit will come to You without shame.

Native American
source: Submitted by Beliefnet member Kaqtukwawsisipuskw